Theta Xi Fraternity at Washington State University

To Incoming Students

Most people that come across our page are looking to be a part of something big during their college careers. They’re looking for a place where people share the same like minded values and want to share in something bigger than themselves. If that is you, and you would like to know more, click the link below.

To Parents & Guardians

Whether your son is a current member, or considering joining, we appreciate you visiting our page to learn more about us. We know the stereotypes that surround fraternities and we work hard to rise above those. Parent & guardian involvement has always been a cornerstone of the Omega chapter. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to the active executive board or alumni board with any questions or concerns.

To Our Alumni

We’re proud of what our alumni have gone on to accomplish and we call on all alumni to look for opportunities to re-ignite the bonds of brotherhood and share their skills and experiences back to the chapter. Visit our events page here to learn about upcoming events and opportunities to be involved.

Sam’s Law

In compliance with Washington State House Bill 1751, Sam’s Law, honoring the life of Sam Martinez, the Omega Chapter of Theta Xi is required to publicly disclose discipline records related to the chapter over the past five years. (2018-2023)

During the last five years, 2018-2023, there have been no findings of violations of anti-hazing policies, state or federal laws relating to hazing, alcohol, drugs, sexual assault, physical assault, or Washington State University’s Code of Conduct against the Omega Chapter of Theta Xi.

See what we’re up to!