
History of Theta Xi at WSU

Theta Xi was founded at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) in Troy, NY, on April 29, 1864. Of all the social fraternities today, Theta Xi was the only one founded during the Civil War. Since our beginning, The Purpose of Theta Xi is to provide a college home environment for its active members in which fellowship and alumni guidance lead to wholesome mental, moral, physical, and spiritual growth. 

The Omega Chapter was Chartered on April 8-10, 1921. For 10 years prior, the group was known as Epsilon Nu Gamma (ENG), a local undergraduate engineering fraternity, among their members was H. V. Carpenter, for whom Carpenter Hall (School of Engineering) is named. Our original chapter house was located on Opal St and Maiden Lane. Currently our chapter house is located on the corner of Opal and Colorado St. We’ve experienced over 100 years of nearly continuous active membership with two interruptions during WWII and the 80’s.


College: a time for growing and self-discovery.

One of the most important aspects of participating in a fraternity is the sense of community one feels with his fellow members. The term “brother” when referring to another member is not an understatement within the Omega Chapter, and it is the Brotherhood Chair’s primary duty to maintain this bond. Through the scheduling of weekly events restricted to Members and Associate Members, brothers are afforded the opportunity to reflect on their past week together and engage in friendly games and contests. These events allow members to create memories that bring them closer together and increase trust within the Chapter.


Nationally, Theta Xi focuses it’s philanthropic efforts towards two organizations: Habitat for Humanity and the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. Locally, we strive to give back in unique ways, hosting events like Theta Cider and Tater to raise money and awareness for these organizations.


The distinguished men of Theta Xi are dedicated to life-long betterment of Chapter, College, Community, and Country. During their time as active members these men will be given a world of leadership opportunity. Whether that be through responsibility of leading committee services, philanthropies, or even taking the challenge of becoming an executive member. Theta Xi experience will remain a valuable resource throughout your lifetime. That is why so many Brothers work diligently, without regret, toward the betterment of Theta Xi Fraternity.

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