
Brotherhood Beyond Graduation

The quest for Theta Xi is a journey that extends beyond a brother’s undergraduate years. Over 65,000 men have taken our Fraternity’s oath since 1864. In doing so, each brother commits himself to support his fellow brothers now and throughout each other’s lives.

The Omega of Theta Xi Alumni Association serves as mentors and advisors through the undergraduate period and work to bridge the gap as brothers graduate and enter the professional world. As an alumni, you have a role in building and growing the brotherhood of Theta Xi. We call on all alumni to look for opportunities to become involved. Keep an eye on this page and also sign up for the mailing list to hear about events, committee opportunities, business meetings, networking opportunities and more.

In addition to supporting the brotherhood, the Alumni Association also serves as our property owning corporation, including the chapter house and a handful of properties across college hill. Through generous donations and tireless work, the Alumni Association board has built a portfolio of income generating properties that will ensure that the Omega Chapter of Theta Xi will always have a presence at WSU.